Soul Journey Numbers - your guide towards enlightenment
This an exciting new book explores the insights and wisdom behind the numbers associated with your name and date of birth, using beautiful images, power animals, Masters, crystals and in depth information and visualisations to help you on your Soul Journey towards Enlightenment.
Order your copy from Amazon, from the publishers MindStirMedia.com or direct from the author, Jilly Stott on Jilly@SourceEnergyWisdom.com
Jilly and Les
Jilly has been working with Source, her Higher Self and the Masters for many, many decades.
In 2014 she was led to visit several ancient sites in France where she had stored Source Energy Wisdom many lifetimes ago.
This has inspired the formation of the Source Energy Wisdom Academy offering professional training, guidance and on going support. We also offer one to one sessions with Jilly and Les, authors of the inspirational book Soul Journey Numbers – your Guide towards Enlightenment.
Jilly and Les have worked together for many years and are already the authors of Source Energy Wisdom Guidance Cards, which are ‘Windows to Enlightenment’, which an also be order from Jilly.

Mission Statement
To deliver professional self development courses to empower participants to move forward in all areas of their lives.